The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Harli

Washington, United States

Here is a better picture of the bud that might help. Thanks,



Harli, I'm sorry, but this looks like dandilion or one of its relatives???

4 May, 2008


OMG, Grammazoo! I thought this too, a bit earlier, but thought I was being just plain silly. Harli, it does look like dandelion growing amongst another plant. This happens to me a lot.

4 May, 2008


Thank you, at least I know and came take care of them.

4 May, 2008


Harli, its a weed, dig it out :))))

4 May, 2008


It grows from a long tap root, make sure you get that out of the ground or it will grow back with a vengeance.
The yellow flowers develop into downy seedheads ...... as small children we used to count the puffs it would take us to blow the seeds off, supposedly to tell the time :-) The adults who think this is cute cannot be gardeners for each tiny wisp carries a seed to grow into yet another dandelion plant!

4 May, 2008


Dandelion is a very hardy herb taxacum officinale, It's name comes from old French... dent de lion..or lion's tooth (from the shape of it's leaves) will spread very readily and as Xela says it has a very long taproot. The juice from this root has been said to treat Diabetes and liver diseases, to "build up" the blood and to cure anemia, as well as a diuretic, laxative and appetite stimulant. The dried root is available commercially for cosmetic use and depending which part of the plant you use you can obtain two different colours of dye. just dig it out as best you can before it can go to seed otherwise you will have more of them. Personally I like the bright yellow of their blossom, very cheery. the old time folk used to collect the blossoms to make dandelion wine. and the leaves were eaten as a veg. I think it was brought to N.A. by early settlers and it has naturalized itself amazingly! Just a dandelion indeed. lol

4 May, 2008


Wow, thanks so much for the information and history lesson, very interesting. I have many of those and every day I got out with my garden claw and get rid of a few more.

4 May, 2008


Or learn to love them.....

4 May, 2008


Lori's medicinal run-down on dandelions is very interesting, indeed. As kids, we knew this plant by the name "Pee the Bed". We were scared to even touch the plants in case we did just that, lol!

4 May, 2008


OMG David, that is so funny. We were scared to death of watermelon seeds. We were told if we swallowed too many of them, a black baby would grow in our tummies. LOL
(With all due respect)

5 May, 2008

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