The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

North Yorkshire, United Kingdom Gb

Can anyone suggest any plants that are attractive to bees and butterflies that will cope in a northern coastal environment?




I have found a plant in the garden that the previous owner left. From searching the net I found its called "Mountain Cornflower". I'm new to here so I don't know how to upload a picture to an answer (or whether it is possible) but I will upload some pictures in profile.

Unfortunately I don't know if its good for your climate but with the name "Mountain" in it .... maybe it does survive in a northern climate

22 May, 2012


Just a few suggestions....

Verbena bonairiensis
Agastache "black adder"
Sedum spectabalie

However, im not sure how they'd do on the coast

22 May, 2012


Mountain cornflower is Centaurea montana, not sure how well it does in cold, windy regions.
Plants to consider are Bergenia, Armeria, Hesperis, Primula, Pulmonaria, Achillea, Ajuga. Shrubs include Berberis, Caragana, Calluna, Erica, deciduous Euonymus species. Some of these will not like salt laden winds, so depends how close to the coast you are.

22 May, 2012


It grows on the steep bank just beyond my fence, Bamboo. So, if it grows here, I imagine it would grow anywhere?

22 May, 2012


I expect it does, Ojibway - I think its endemic to the British Isles generally.

22 May, 2012


Butteflies and bees love Buddleia.

22 May, 2012


Thank you for all these ideas. I will try and post pictures if successful.

23 May, 2012


They love catmint (nepeta) and golden marjoram - not expensive so worth a try.

23 May, 2012


Yes golden marjoram is a bee and nectar lovers magnet.

23 May, 2012


Ulex, or gorse, is a good one.

23 May, 2012

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