By Daff
emigrated from Yorkshire to Kent in April 2004,
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me anything about Tuberosa The Pearl please.
Thanks. Gail
6 Apr, 2012
Thank you Bamboo. luckily I have a heated greenhouse.
6 Apr, 2012
Certainly worth growing then.
6 Apr, 2012
Needs warmth day and night to bloom reliably. It is also a red spider mite magnet, so keep an eye on it.
8 Apr, 2012
Thank you Meanie. So I think that it's best that I take it in at night and get some spray for those spider mites.
8 Apr, 2012
Certainly indoors at night in my experience. Loadsa humidity is the best way to stay RSM free.
8 Apr, 2012
Great. I just want the weather to warm up a bit now and I can get going :)
9 Apr, 2012
It'll be ok to pot them up now if you have them. Don't crowd them, as they produce lots of offsets.
Four points;
1] They can be slow to emerge.
2] They're considered to be monocarpic (the bulb dies after flowering) and this seems to be the case in my experience.
3] Many of the bulbs sold are too small to flower in year one. Not all, but a lot.
4] Water well when in growth and use a balanced feed. At the height of the summer heat I switch to half strength tomato feed.
9 Apr, 2012
I have 5 bulbs, I'll give them a go and see if they are worth getting again. It's the fragrance that attracted me, but it maybe a couple of years before I find out by what you're saying.
Thank you again Meanie, you've been very helpful. x
9 Apr, 2012
Once you have the bulbs you'll never have to buy them again. Although the flowering bulb appears to die, each one will produce at the very least three offsets.
Once you've bought it to bloom you'll be hooked!
9 Apr, 2012
There speaks a person of Experience. I assume that you have a lot of them. I'm looking forward to getting started with them.
10 Apr, 2012
About twenty bulbs at various stages - tend to give a lot away in the interests of space.
10 Apr, 2012
Nice plant, but tender, will not survive outside over winter.
6 Apr, 2012