The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Harli

Washington, United States

My brother wants some of my Heather. I have a huge hedge of it clear across the front of my property. When is the time of year to give him some and how? It seems they are in these huge clumps so I can't imagine how to separate them. Any ideas? Sorry if Im asking more than my share of questions, but I am really flying blind here. You were right Spritzhenry, gardening kind of grows on you.



Think you must have acidic soil as rhododendrons and heathers seem to grow happily with you.We here in UK have 2 types of heather summer and winter flowering.Becomes v.woody with age if you have a large old plant wouldnt recommend splitting it as difficult to re -establish.Smaller younger plants better.If none would be better for brother to plant his own.As you follow plant back youll notice it grows from a central stem.It will not like this being cut into and roots removed.

19 Apr, 2008


I don't think you will be able to split them - I am afraid I agree with Bonkers on this one. Sorry. I haven't heard of anyone taking cuttings from Heather successfully, but this might be an option when new shoots without flowers grow.

20 Apr, 2008


Hi Harli - I agree with Bonkers and Spritz I'm afraid - you will not be able to split or dig up and move your heather - they just die if you try. I have successfully taken cuttings from heather many years ago. Can't quite remember the details of how I did it, but it was fairly easy, I remember that! However, the cuttings you take from heather are tiny - about 4cm (1.5 in) and would take quite a while and several years of TLC before they would be as big as yours. Your brother would be best buying some nice healthy established plants.

20 Apr, 2008


Heather spreads by self layering as the plant grows the weight of stems fall to the ground root and shoot in the same way vinca (periwinkle) spread.You can propogate from these but unless growing on commercial proportions much simpler - and faster to buy new. How do I know this ? live next to 600 sq. miles of the stuff on North York Moors.

20 Apr, 2008


Oh, lovely. Lucky you Bonkers!

20 Apr, 2008

How do I say thanks?

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