Any advice on potting up strawberry plants?
By Gwendas
United Kingdom
My friend has given me one of those special pots with holes in and some of her plants. Is it right time now to pot them up and do i try and get them coming out of those holes? This sounds so stupid !
26 Mar, 2009
Thank you so much for your easy to follow instructions. It was the getting them through the holes that worried me! Plants are tougher than we think sometimes aren't they? Will hopefully get it done at the weekend if the rain holds off as promised. I'll post a photo!
26 Mar, 2009
Let me know in the summer what they taste like with cream.
26 Mar, 2009
I'm so glad you said that Trees - I put my strawbs into some wall pots last weekend and then worried I'd put them in too early.
26 Mar, 2009
Yes you can pot them up now.
Fill your new container to the level of the lowest holes, then get your new strawberry plants and remove from the pot and insert them into the hole. It may be easier to put them inside the pot and gently pull the leaves through.
Once one level has been done fill up with more soil and then do the same again on the next level.
You should then be able to get a few on the top as well.
Water well, and remember to water on dry days.
Good luck.
26 Mar, 2009