hanging baskets
By Dwarf
west yorkshire,
United Kingdom
i want somthig diferant in my hanging baskets this year but i still want the plants that i put in baskets to trale. has any 1 got any ideas,
On plant
14 Mar, 2009
the useual things like busey lisies, petunias , geraniums
14 Mar, 2009
OK - how about Bacopa, Verbena, Diascia, Dichondra (green trailing plant) Begonias, Anagallis, Bessera and Nemesia? All available from Dobies and/or T&M. Or else, go to your local GC where they will probably have a selection of plug plants for you to choose from - including the ones I've listed.
Have fun!
14 Mar, 2009
Trailing Tomatoe's are fab Dwarf, Tumbling toms especially, planted with bedding plants, if you look at my pics there's a pic on there, im going to try strawberries as well this year...
14 Mar, 2009
I have creeping jenny in a raised pot. As it's a perennial, it will grow back again each year
14 Mar, 2009
trailing sweet peas are another option.
14 Mar, 2009
I saw a new trailing viola in a plant catalogue today - gorgeous!
14 Mar, 2009
hi have you thought of chennille plant. It loves the sun and will bloom all summer long. Looks like little red tails on a kitten, if you look up on computer you will see what I mean.
15 Mar, 2009
morning glory is another suggestion
15 Mar, 2009
To answer this, we need to know what you've used before! Could you let us know and then we can come up with a list for you.
14 Mar, 2009