Another id please
By Majeekahead
i got these tulips out of a garden mag special offer last year - proberly Gardeners World, as thats the one i buy most, - but gues what! - yep can't find the lable or remeber the name and can't find it anywhere in my books - think it is a new variety - if i remeber right - did any of you take up the same offer and know the name please!

4 Apr, 2008
LOL - Oh Spritz you do make me laugh, - thanks for the tip, i have been keeping record of everything in the my garden section on GOY but unfortunately i planted a lot of things before i discovered this - and this is perfect for me. i find it really easy to keep record of everything - be honest Spritz as much as i like the log idea i have got a couple (only yearly ones) in my cupbord have filled in a few pages and thats it! i am really good with keeping record on here tho, coz i can include pics and chat to friends and get feedback ect.... so its never a chore. - have you seen 'my garden' log on here? - there is pages of it! and as the year progresses i am sure there will be plenty more i have forgotten about/did'nt know i had/lost tags for etc.... still keeps ya all on your toes! lol
4 Apr, 2008
Wow, Majeekahead, your GoY garden log looks pretty comprehensive! Isn't it amazing how many different plants we manage to fit into our gardens. (My partner reckons I'm a plantaholic cos I find it so very difficult to resist buying plants, seed packets etc.) Like you, I am delighted to have found this site ..... it is so easy to use the garden log facility and the calendar is great for keeping tabs on seasonal plant care. Since I have adopted Paul's garden this site has been a real boon, I am including plants from both his garden and mine in my garden log, and intend to add photos of them as they each reach their peak this year.
But this isn't helping you to identify that beautiful tulip. in their September issue Gardener's World had a special offer of 50 pink bulbs: 10 each of tulipa 'Toronto', chinodoxa 'Pink Giant', allium oreophilum (ostroskianum), hyacinthus orientalis 'Fondant' and narcissus 'Bell Song'. Does that ring a bell ?
5 Apr, 2008
thanks Xela, yes actually 'Toronto' does ring a bell, i'll look it up on google and see if it is the one, - at least now i know where to start! lol and i know exactly what you mean, my boyfriend Jay thinks i love my garden more than him! lol - well all i have to say to that is -the garden does'nt leave the toilet seat up and dirty socks on the floor does it! lol and yes i too am a complete plant aholic, it does'nt matter where i go i just can't help myself, i could have a pound in my purse and i will manage to find a plant or pack of seeds for the money i have, i am terrible, and it really does'nt help working in a flower shop either, because i manage to find homes for all the sick or 'finished flowering' plants from there too - luckly i only work saturday tho - or could end up really ridiculous! lol
5 Apr, 2008
Just had a look on google at the 'Toronto' tulips and no not them, thanks for the tip tho Xela. - i have a feeling that they were on offer on there own, 10-12 bulbs and i think they were being introduced as a new variety, although in my picture they look very pink they were a darker pink/burgandy in the picture in the mag, maybe they mature to this colour - i'll take another pic in a few days - if i remeber rightly they where in the same issue as an offer on orange and burgandy Narines because i ordered them too, but never got them as T & M - who where suplying them cocked the order up. anyone else remeber them?
5 Apr, 2008
I cant emphasise enough on Spritz's diary-keeping, Majeeka! Whether I am doing online searching/shopping, at the garden centre, or even here on GOY, My A5 "page per day" diary is always next to me.. It has proved invaluable to me this year, especially for staggering the seed sowing, for where I saw plants I like (so I can go back in future to buy) and for what/when I bought/planted. My diary is already illegible to all but me, and covered
in mucky fingerprints, but it is my own "Bible".
6 Apr, 2008
i'm not doubting that it is a great idea, and very useful - but i'm being honest here i would'nt stick to it! - i know this from previous expereince. which is why i take so many photos and list all my plants on here - i do sign on most days and i have been sticking to it - which has made things much eaier to remeber and identify but there are thoughs things that i planted before becoming a member of GOY - i do keep all the lables and i know they are in the shed somewhere, but at the moment i cant get in there as it's piled high with Jays tools, Brookes garden toys and garden funiture! gues what Jays next little mission will be? lol
6 Apr, 2008
Previous question
Right lady - for your birthday you are going to ask Jay to get you a 5-year Gardener's Log. I have had mine a whole year and I am finding it invaluable! (It doesn't fill itself in, unfortunately) lol.
4 Apr, 2008