Moving snowdrops, snowflakes and winter aconites
By Weeducks
United Kingdom
Hi all I am a new member and hoping someone can answer my question. I have masses of snowdrops and snowflakes still nodding their heads in the garden. I also have some winter aconites. I want to give my daughter some of them for her garden but we don't live near each other so would have to store them. Can I lift them now and put them in pots for her to plant out in autumn?

9 Mar, 2009
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If the garden they are to go in is not ready then, yes you can pot some up and keep them until the proper time.
Actually with all three if you can remember where they are in your garden (or mark them in someway) you can wait until you need to move them and then dig them up then. All will move this way as long as they are not allowed to dry out, by being kept out of the ground for any length of time.
9 Mar, 2009
Hi Weeducks welcome2GOY , I lifted My Snowdrops When In Flower & potted them in2 containers then the followings Spring when their New Groth was showing i Placed them in2 my new Garden where i wanted them to grow & they still flowered :) So if u dont want expence of Postage Save them for when your Daughter can visit again & make sure she Labels them :)
9 Mar, 2009
Thank you all for the advice. Think I shall try potting some and, as I hadn't even thought to post some, will try that too...daughter should win either way!
9 Mar, 2009
Welcome from me, as well!
9 Mar, 2009
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Now is the time to move them as the flowers are going over, raise them in clumps wrap the bulb ends in wet kitchen paper, put them in a polythene bag and box them and post them to her 1st Class. I have just had a new lot by post last week and they were in perfect condition.Good Luck
9 Mar, 2009