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does anyone know what kind of plant this is?

columbus, ohio, United States

I have had it for 3 years now and it hasnt grown a bit..I tried putting it outside last summer in partial sun and it almost died, so I took it in and since then I have had it in in in-direct sunlight..If I knew what it was mabey I could find out how to get it growing again..
I'm new to this site, and so far I love it ! you get responses to your questions really quick! Thanks in advance for everyones help!



Looks like a Yucca Meghan, maybe someone else has another idea, welcome to GOY, everyone on here is very helpful so i know you'll get some advice.

20 Feb, 2009


I think it may be a 'corn plant' (dracaena fragrans):

20 Feb, 2009


Yes it is Yucca elephantipes Sewingkilla. In the UK it is strictly a house plant and I should imagine the same in Ohio. Don't rush it. Just feed it gently with either a standard plant food or a weak tomato food and water regularly. It doesn't need direct sun particularly hot sun


20 Feb, 2009


We posted at the same time Elke. I will still go with Y. elephantipes from the trunk.

20 Feb, 2009


i am sure this is a Dracaena, not sure of the variety but i have one in my shop which looks exactly the same. they do have very similar trunk to yucca but the leaf is dracaena iam sure

20 Feb, 2009


Actually, looking more closely, I may have to eat the old humble pie (of course, I'm used to it by now). The leaves may be too broad for a Y. elephantipes. I think, for either, my feeding instructions still hold good though.


20 Feb, 2009


Dracaena it is. The only thing I want to add as far as care is that these do not like to sit in water. After you water pour any overflow out of the saucer or outside pot.

20 Feb, 2009

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