Can anyone identify this??
By Stevewelch
United Kingdom
This plant I have pictured at Ventnor Botanic and I have also seen it in the walled garden within Great Dixter.
It has large palmate shaped soft furry leaves, and very fleshy stems.

13 Feb, 2009
That would give the definitive answer Spritz wouldnt it - Andrea would be able to identify the exact specimen.
The description and size reminds me of Paulownia tormentosa , the foxglove tree but that would be a somewhat uneducated guess.
14 Feb, 2009
Thanks for that. I have a Paulownia in the garden and although it's similar, it's not that but thanks anyway, I'll ask Andrea.
14 Feb, 2009
Hi Stevewelch
I will have to go to the gardens and take a look. Unfortunately the plant in question may not look like this until Spring/Summer. I have to say it looks like a Paulownia that has been pollarded the year before, but I will have a look for you when I get a chance. Did you say it was in the same area of the garden with the Tetrapanax and the banana?
14 Feb, 2009
Hi, I've found the plant you mean, however, I don't know the variety, I have posted a couple of pictures of it on my photos
14 Feb, 2009
I think it is Senecio petasitis, have a look on google images just to confirm, I identified this for another member back in 2007 who lived on the Algarve, the flowers start off as red buds and then turn into yellow flowers
14 Feb, 2009
Thanks very much, what a star!
15 Feb, 2009
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Ask Andrearichter - she lives on the IOW and often goes to the Botanic Gardens. She would look at its name for you, or ask. Send her a PM - she won't mind!
13 Feb, 2009