By Stickitoffee
United Kingdom
What is the best way of looking after my calla lily? This was a white flowered calla, which stayed white for a couple of weeks and was delightful ~ it is still in its pot ~ what do I need to do now in order to try to keep it through the winter?

18 Aug, 2011
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calla lilies
oh, thank you ~ i had no idea! so same treatment as tulips? think i had better put it in a bigger pot because this one wont take much water.
18 Aug, 2011
Tulips should be treated differently--they need to be in the ground (or a big pot) to grow roots over the winter, so they can bloom next spring. Callas need protection from the frost over winter, and do their growing and blooming in summer.
18 Aug, 2011
ok, thank you tug; i find something eats my tulips if i leave them in so they have to be lifted.
18 Aug, 2011
Dry it out in a frost-free place, then repot in the spring and start watering it again. :-) It's a bit early yet - you might possibly get another flower.
18 Aug, 2011