By Clairej2506
United Kingdom
hi there
could some one help me identify this Fuchsia please?
also if you have any advice on how to plant up the seeds it would be much appreciated!
thanks :)
Asked from the GoYpedia
fuchsias page

17 Aug, 2011
How large is it (and the blooms too)?
I'm tempted to say F.boliviana.
Congrats on growing this if it is - they're a beaut of a Fuchsia!
17 Aug, 2011
It is one of the F. Longiflora species, similar to, but not identical to F. Epacsis Longiflora. Gorgeous!
17 Aug, 2011
Take cuttings, it is a beaut.
18 Aug, 2011
Dunno what it's called, but it's gorgeous - I want one!!!
17 Aug, 2011