By Scottish
Rosa 'Felicite Perpetue'
I asked advice a while back regarding this rose and was given very helpful advice re pruning and flowering. However, although I expected this rambler to get very big, I under estimated just how quickly it would grow.
My problem is...having no experience in these plants, I am not sure I am 'tying' it in properly. I have tried to search for a blog on this but unable to find one.
Could some kind soul have a look at my pictures and tell me if I am doing the right thing? Also, the main vertical shoot which I thought I had to keep going 'up' seems to be coming out at a 90 degree angle over the last couple of days, how can I sort this without damaging the clematis? Thanks

13 Aug, 2011
Drc, thank you very much. That makes it a bit more clearer. I knew that I didn't want to get the branches in a tangle but was unsure what else to do.
Your advice is much appreciated.
I have googled and looked through the web for advice on 'Espalier' and can see now what I have to try and achieve.
If you ever come across that diagram, let me know please. Cheers Angie x
14 Aug, 2011
I should have reminded you that in the first year after planting it is often better to leave a rambler unpruned and let it establish plenty of flowering wood. Pruning then can be undertaken every 1-3 years, taking care to remember that they flower every year on the previous years growth So heavy pruning can result in few blooms the following year.
Te RHS have a good page on pruning ramblers they call it a 'fan' shape.
15 Aug, 2011
Thanks Drc. Bamboo gave me the same pruning advice so I know not to let the secateurs near it!!
I can't wait til next year for it to flower :)
Will have a read on the RHS website. Cheers x
15 Aug, 2011
your welcome Scottish
15 Aug, 2011
Hi this is looking ok, Rambling roses can grow fast leading to lots of tangled branches which can result in poor flowering and encourage disease. Good pruning in early autumn (even in late summer) will improve air circulation and give you a healthy plant it will boost the plant’s appearance and productivity for next year,
Remove any diseased/dead stems, take out any sappy growth, branches that are spoiling the shape of the plant, shortening side shoots by about a third and tie them in.
Continue to improve the shape of the rose by removing about a third of the older stems and prune flush with the ground.
You need to keep the branches at ground level as horizontal as possible at first, so tie vigorous new shoots across not up, this slows the sap and gives you more flowers lower down/allover and not just at the top. What you are aiming for is a wide, open frame of branches across the bottom then let them grow up. I know there is a good diagram on the net showing this I will try to find it for you. The nearest shape to aim for I can think of is an Espalier without the trunk which is better against your fence situation?
14 Aug, 2011