By Dave9i46
United Kingdom
is it time to pull up my potatoes up yet, thy have not floweres yet but it's been 14 weeks what do you think?
7 Aug, 2011
But dig them don't pull them!
7 Aug, 2011
Indeed :-)
8 Aug, 2011
cheers to ALL
9 Sep, 2011
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Lift one root and see what sort of a crop you get. If they are early potatoes on lift what you need for that or a couple of days eating as thy do not keep well out of the ground. If they are main crop and you are happy with the root you dig up then you can lift them all and leave them on the surface for the skin to toughen up for a few hours then into hessian sacks and store somewhere cool, dry and away from light.
7 Aug, 2011