By Blencowe
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
the pinks are the small type ,i had loads offlowers and have trimmed them back for next year ,thanks sheilar and everyone.another puzzle,i have a strawberry planter (resin)and planted fringed pansies in it ,allthe ones in the top are beautiful and healthy ,the ones in the dide ,slots are covrrrered in powdery mildew,any one know why?
4 Aug, 2011
Powdery mildew also occurs when plants are overcrowded aswell as too dry.
Did you mean that the dianthus were alpine ones when you said 'the small type' ?
5 Aug, 2011
thanks Anneashby and Louise1 .i investigated nnd thinned out and sprayed and they seem to be recovering.I also found Louise1 s tip also to be right on they were very dry in the side slots even when the water was running out of the bottom of the container each time i watered it and i am putting water in by funnel
15 Aug, 2011
Perhaps they're not getting enough water round the sides. That's the trouble with side-planting pots, it's difficult to get enough water to those at the sides. Try watering in the sides with a funnel--fiddly but it may pay off. Annie (Cumbria)
4 Aug, 2011