The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Thrift

West Sussex, United Kingdom

Is this marsh samphire (glasswort)? I picked it today on the tidal mud flats of the river Adur. I nibbled the top 5mm. It tasted juicy and salty. I've looked it up on Google Images and in Richard Mabey's Food For Free. I feel fairly confident that I've got it right but I'd really appreciate someone telling me who knows for sure before I go out and gather a plateful.



looks like it to me. I have picked similar before and lived to tell the tale.

2 Aug, 2011


Would have been better if you had take a photo in situ I 'think' it is but may not be...

2 Aug, 2011


I hoped someone would have picked it before, Seaburngirl. I too am still standing after tasting. I've eaten samphire in fish restaurants but I've never bought it, let alone picked it.

I didn't think to take a photo at the time, Moon_grower. It was one of about three different plants all growing in the same place whereas comments on the net suggest you get vast sheets of marsh samphire growing to the exclusion of other plants.

3 Aug, 2011


Yes marsh samphire tends to grow as a sheet and block all other plant life out.

3 Aug, 2011


It looks like it? but the mind plays tricks as I remember when we had it as children as a much paler green/yellow? But that was North Norfolk.

3 Aug, 2011


I saw some in the fishmongers on Saturday which looked a pretty bright green...

3 Aug, 2011


Thats more like I remember it MG

3 Aug, 2011


The original was a little paler yellower sort of green - my phone camera isn't the greatest for close-ups, Drc726. I've seen it quite a dark green in the fishmongers, MG, but I wondered if it had already been steamed.

3 Aug, 2011


I think it becomes a paler green once steamed like any veg it loses some of its colour.

3 Aug, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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