The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Hertfordshire, United Kingdom

We've cleared a patch which is in Very Dry Shade, and tricky to plant because of roots of Ash tree on the left, and Lilac on the right. Would love some ideas for TALL plants which might be happy here. Dark coloured leaves would be a bonus - thanks!



Same patch taken from different angles, and I'll probably "shield" the fence slightly by putting trellis against it.

1 Aug, 2011


Japanese anemones do well in dry shade, once they've got going. I like white flowers in dark corners - they seem to light them up. They don't have dark leaves, but never mind. I think dark leaved plants tend to go green in poor light anyway.

1 Aug, 2011


Thanks Beattie - I didn't know that about dark leaved plants. And btw, sorry we didn't manage to come and see you in Cornwall, but maybe one day . . .

1 Aug, 2011


I'll pm you..

1 Aug, 2011


Sheila, have a look at this place because their specialty is plants for shade ....

1 Aug, 2011


Thanks Louise. :)

1 Aug, 2011


Any purple leaves will be a muddy green in shade so it's probably better to stick with green-leaved plants. Fatsia japonica takes dry shade as do sarcococcas (Christmas Box). I've also found that aquilegias and stipa tenuissima will seed into dry shade, there's also helleborus foetidus, our native stinking hellebore

1 Aug, 2011


Thanks Andrew - you're right! We actually have Helleborus foetidus, aquilegia and stipa tenuissima in that bed, but am really looking for something over 3 ft tall for the back of the border.

1 Aug, 2011


Hi, why not try mahonia aquifolium, or m,japonica, they grow fairly tall, don,t mind shade, are evergreen, and flower in winter, just a thought, derekm

2 Aug, 2011


Thanks Derek - I'll Google them. :)

2 Aug, 2011


Andrew . . I've just seen the Pileostegia viburnoides on your photos . . . looks as though it could be just the thing for this shady fence?

I like the look of the Mahonias too, Derek - spoilt for choice now!

10 Aug, 2011

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