Euonymus 'Harliquin'
By Majeekahead
hi there, does anyone know the middle bit of the name(Spec)? i am Guessing it's not japonica as they are usually larger..this one has small leaves speckled green and cream, and i think will climb up my wall, and sprawl along the ground, it is quite shrubby and evergreen, but i think ground cover type... i have looked it up in the RHS guide but it's not listed - must be a new one.

1 Feb, 2009
Thanks Bernieh, i thought it might be, now you have confirmed that for me i can list it properly.
1 Feb, 2009
Yes, the species is definitely fortunei. It is named after Robert Fortune (1812-1880), a plant explorer in the Far East for nearly twenty years
1 Feb, 2009
Thanks Andrew, have you seen the other little shrub i have had problems ID-ing? would love to know your thoughts on this, one member saggested Cassiope..
2 Feb, 2009
I think it may be 'fortunei' which is a dwarf evergreen creeping vine and has variegated leaves. Euonymus fortunei 'Harlequin'
1 Feb, 2009