By Sparkly
United Kingdom
Any chilli growers? I have grown a magnificent chilli in my conservatory-it was in a mixed seed packet called hot caribbean mix so I am not sure which it is. It is about 1.3m tall and hanging with more than 30 long thin fruits, originally green but now red so it looks like a christmas tree. Unfortunately when we used one it was rather dry and flavourless except for the hotness. I wondered if I had left them on the plant too long and should remove them all now. I am continuing to feed it as the pot is quite small and it is still producing fruit. Any ideas?
30 Jul, 2011
The idea is to let them change color, but to pick them before they start to dry, which may only take a day or two for some varieties. Dried ones keep their flavor better if they are dried off the bush.
31 Jul, 2011
10 Mar, 2012
I would remove the red ones and dry them and store for future use. One way is to pick them with the stalk still attached and thread a needle and cotton, string the cotton through each stalk bit and the hang them up in a warm place to dry.I had a long line hanging in my kitchen window - took about 3-4 weeks. Stored them in a jar.
30 Jul, 2011