ID please....
By Majeekahead
Bought this little baby from Wilkos today, for £1.50 on a shelf that was just labled 'Evergreen shrubs' and the the ticket said, care instructions vairy according to variety....mmmm helpful...there were lots of baby shrubs really nice ones, all different, most of which i knew....but this has me a bit stumped. anyone know what it is? i am kind of thinking Hebe, -the non flowering type that look like conifers, but not so sure now i have looked it up....any ideas please.

30 Jan, 2009
Is it quite small? It could be a heather of some kind, although I'm sure you would recognise that.
31 Jan, 2009
I think it may be a Cassiope but not sure which.See if you can find it on Google Images.
31 Jan, 2009
hi all, pretty sure not a heather Readejahn, but i have just looked up Cassiope in the RHS guide, and could well be, sounds very much like it, if ofcourse it flowers. according to info i have they flower during spring, so won't have to wait long to find out. I'll let you all know if it does.
31 Jan, 2009
As usual - an acid lover, Angie! I can't grow it... :-( It does look pretty in the RHS guide. I wonder which one you've got?
31 Jan, 2009
mmmm me too, quite a lot of them are small though i think, nothing to stop you from growing one in a pot of some sort, can choose the soil then :-) ...and for £1.50 can't really go far wrong. i think looking at the one i have it is going to be a spreading type, rather than an upright, i think i should be able to find a nice slot for it in my new shrubbery.
31 Jan, 2009
Thats the best thing about GOY, plants I've never heard of. You're right - at £1.50 it's a bargain whatever it grows into.
3 Feb, 2009
It seems cassiope is a name for bell heather - just googled images as suggested.
3 Feb, 2009
i am going to message AndrewR bet he will be able to put us all out our misery....
4 Feb, 2009
This is Very Pretty Plant/Shrub Ang & a Bargain2:)xxx
4 Feb, 2009
yes it is Jac, really unusual i have never seen one before, just messaged AndrewR he does'nt even know what it is! Andrew said Cassiope is usually more green than this one, so may be something different. i have asked Bluespruce to have a look too, incase it is some sort of conifer. if no joy then will just have to wait and see what it does and if it flowers won't i.
5 Feb, 2009
Love Mysterys dont u :)
5 Feb, 2009
mmmmm...i like a challenge, and finding out what this is has been one i am failing so far, never mind, it is lovely just as it is, and will make a good addtion to the garden regardless of his title!
5 Feb, 2009
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« trying to grow a matching hedge in another area of the garden
No idea, Angie, but I like it! It would be a bonus if it flowered!
31 Jan, 2009