By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Plant id's please.
The yellow one is a Gallardia, any idea of a variety name.
The second wil be a bright pink Salvia. I thought I would rememebr the name, but I didnt. oops a senior moent.

25 Jul, 2011
The first is a Rudbeckia, probably one of the 'Irish Eyes series.
25 Jul, 2011
the first was in a group of gillardia, some were the typical red/yellow ones. I dont remeber buying any rudbekia but if that is what it is fair enough. thanks.
26 Jul, 2011
doh another senior moment, I grew them from seed but they are meant to be orange. A call to the seed company I think. I have had a lot of 'wrong' plants this year.
26 Jul, 2011
Could the second be S.sclarea?
25 Jul, 2011