The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Jeanna

Jakarta, Indonesia

I planted this but forgot what it is. Maybe a flower or herb. Anyone recognize it?



I am not sure could it be mint.

19 Jul, 2011


Or a weed...

19 Jul, 2011


are the leves scented?

19 Jul, 2011


Looks like a Lamium

19 Jul, 2011


Looks like a Nettle to me

19 Jul, 2011


It looks like Nepta Cataria (Cat Mint) to me.

19 Jul, 2011


Suppose you wait until it flowers and post another photo?

19 Jul, 2011


I smelled it and yes they do smell good. Tasted it, as well, and it has minty taste but not quite like mint. Has a lemony flavor along with it. Does catnip or cat mint have a mint flavor?

20 Jul, 2011


Not wise to taste any plant unless you know exactly what it is - you could end up with a stomach upset or much worse.

20 Jul, 2011


If it has a lemon flavour I think it might be Lemon Balm. Cat mint isn't edible and you would have every cat in the neighbourhood rolling in it.
Google images and put in lemon balm and compare the images to see if they are the same.

20 Jul, 2011


I think Lemon Balm as well, roll some leaves in your hand should smell of lemon, invasive

20 Jul, 2011


there is a lemon mint too.

20 Jul, 2011


In my experience lemon balm can fall over, but it doesn't get that curve in the stems - they're more rigid than this is.

20 Jul, 2011


It looks like Apple Mint (Mentha suaveolens), some varieties of which have a lemony or pineapple overtone.

22 Jul, 2011


If it is lemon balm it will look rather different after flowering. Instead of those lush green leaves there will be rather narrow ones on the old flowering stems and not much at the base of the plant. The flowers will be very small white ones. It makes a splendid tea, one spray is enough for two cups. It is soothing, calming and also good for fevers. It also seeds itself freely. Mint also makes an acceptable tea. It isn't catmint, whose leaves are more grey-blue than your photo.

As for tasting, I have seen mushroom experts identify by taste, being careful to spit out every last bit - not suggesting you should try it of course!

Just another thought - perhaps its hedge woundwort, in which case the flowers will be red, and the plant spread vigorously by underground runners. But I think the leaves are too bright green for that one.

28 Jul, 2011


Thank you, all. It is catnip. :)

13 Apr, 2012

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