East Lothian,
United Kingdom
Could somebody please tell me what the small tree is and also what the yellow flower is? The tree was in a hotel garden in Durham, about 4/5 feet tall but probably pruned to keep it small and in the neat shape. The yellow flower is very common. I have some of it in my garden although I don't recall planting it. It's very welcome because it flowers for a long time and after cutting back produces more flowers. I think there is a purply blue variety as well.

16 Jul, 2011
salix "Hakuro Nishiki and the flower is Erysimum ? Fragrant Sunshine or perhaps Rysi Gold lovely perennial flowering plant
16 Jul, 2011
Am I mistaken, or are the leaves on the tree opposite? If so, maybe it is a variegated Chinese privet?
17 Jul, 2011
I'd say Erysimum for the flower. My Erysimum Bowles Mauve is still flowering, though with just a few purple flowers nodding in the breeze on very long stems now.
17 Jul, 2011
I will stick to salix "Hakuro Nishiki the pink colouring etc is the same as mine.
Erysimum make a great show all summer I have several different ones and I need to take cuttings this year from my Erysimum Bowles Mauve to give me replacements next year Thrift.
17 Jul, 2011
I'm backing Drc on this one - Salix hakuro nishiki it is.
17 Jul, 2011
True. I've looked at a lot more images since my bad suggestion. Weird how they all look like they have opposite leaves, since all of the Salix species that I know of have alternate leaves.
17 Jul, 2011
Hi Tugb Salix "Hakuro Nishiki leaves, unusually for a willow, are often arranged in opposite pairs or whorls of three,
17 Jul, 2011
Thanks, Drc! Most unusual for its entire family!
22 Jul, 2011
22 Jul, 2011
The tree is a very popular one, I think it's a Salix nishiki. The yellow flower looks like a wallflower, but it's the wrong time of year for that. It might be a weed, like mustard or rape - hard to tell with no leaves & without seeing the form of the plant. Looks like a crucifer, anyway, but that's one very large family.
16 Jul, 2011