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Pink Trumpet Vine - are there different varieties?


By Ladyrob


I am in Sout East Queensland at Stanthorpe in Australia. I have what seems to be a pink trumpet vine but the leaves are different and the buds are different. I have never been successful in propagating this vine from any kind of cuttings or layering...I am no expert, but friends and passers-by admire this creeper when it is in bloom and have had many requests for cuttings. From all the photos online everywhere, my vine seems to have different leaves and different does not bud in clusters. This vine has only ever given ONE seed pod in 25 years. The pod is a woody, prickly contorted pouch about the size of a small human fist. It contains what resemble little brown paper parcels each containing one seed about the size of a grain of rice. I have successfully managed to get two out of three seeds I planted to grow...and germination took ages, I was beginning to despair that the seeds had died....but I am an amateur. I will send a photo here of my vine in flower on the north-west corner of my veranda and hope it is able to be uploaded. The leaves seem different to those in any other photo. IS THIS A PINK TRUMPET VINE and are there other varieties?
Note- here the climate is temperate. Altitude 900m above sea level. Frosts in winter. Apples and stone fruits and berries grow here as well as wine grapes.

On plant Podranea



Whoops. I answered your other post before spotting this one. Maybe I am totally on the wrong track because my P. jasminoides seeds profusely. The pods are about the size of golf balls and covered in vicious spines. There is a picture of P.jasminoides leaves and seed pods on my page (photo number 35) taken after flowering last year. Have a look at that and tell me what you think.

I am just editing to say that I have now had a look at details of the Pandorea's African cousin, the Podranea. It certainly seems more likely that that is it. It is a profuse flowerer but not a very good seed setter and it's seeds (when produced), unlike the Pandorea, have papery wings. Sounds like that is it. So it is endemic to southern Africa, not Queensland. But is still the same family (Bignoniaceae).


18 Jan, 2009


Hi again John...that's the best information so far and it certainly sounds like my beautiful vine is the South African Podranea...although your description of you P. jaminoides' seed pods sounds like the ONLY seed pod I managed to get...woody, prickly and containing little 'paper-like' packets with one seed...all loose in the pod...quite an extraordinary little thing and it filled me with wonder and it was so RARE. SO - so far it seems as if I have a cross between the Pandorea and the least I know the family/. Thanks!

18 Jan, 2009

How do I say thanks?

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  • Pink trumpet (Podranea ricasoliana)
  • Podranea ricasoliana - Pink Trumpet Vine (Podranea ricasoliana - Pink Trumpet Vine)
  • Podranea ricasoliana - Pink Trumpet Vine (Podranea ricasoliana - Pink Trumpet Vine)
  • Podranea ricasoliana - Pink Trumpet Vine (Podranea ricasoliana - Pink Trumpet Vine)


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