By Bas1e
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I have planted several Cordiline seeds in pots. about a dozen have sprouted.
After 4 months, the initla seedling leaves have grown to approx 13" and about an inch wide.
A large bulb has developed,about an inch in circumference, and smaller bulbs have developed arround the side of the bulb, thin leaves are growing up and are several inches high.
A week later, and a thin stalk is developing, with leaves at the top looking like it will eventually become a cordiline.
However, my friend who grows them too, says that he has never seen this type of development.
Seeds used: last years crop, seeds separated from the pods, and sown singularly.
Am I following the right path?

13 Jul, 2011
I agree wih you, however, my thoughts were with something in the new potting compost, this contained lots of wood chippings.
It is a matter of wait & see, will upload developments as they occur.
Thank you for responding
14 Jul, 2011
Looks like some kind of Allium or Ornithogalum, to me.
15 Jul, 2011
Thanks for your comments, As soon as the leave spread a little, I will upload another couple of images.
15 Jul, 2011
I also thought of a Scilla peruviana, too, though the flower stalk doesnt look quite right.
17 Jul, 2011
I've got Scilla peruviana and the flower stalks are very short til the flower's out, then after it starts opening it grows more and lifts the flower up, but not far. And the buds are covered in silky threads, and pinkish.
17 Jul, 2011
Could your seeds have got muddled up with something else? This looks kind of tulip-y to me, though I wouldn't expect a flower bud from tulip seeds that had just started growing.
13 Jul, 2011