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chimney stacks


By Googie

cheshire, United Kingdom




plenty of reclamation yards up there googie. also try e.bay, or 'google' old chimneys, and see what comes up.good luck................steve

13 Jan, 2009


I hope you mean Chimney pots, A chimney stack is the brick construction up the side of a building, on the yop of which are placed the pots!

13 Jan, 2009


Just wondering, if anyone has used chimney pots for planting, do you just fill them with soil? If so, how do you stop the soil from coming out of the bottom or do you line them if you want to be able to move them.

13 Jan, 2009


Just wondering, if anyone has used chimney pots for planting, do you just fill them with soil? If so, how do you stop the soil from coming out of the bottom or do you line them if you want to be able to move them.

13 Jan, 2009


There was one in my previous garden Dawn, It was a very old one about 3' high so would have been difficult to move. It was in a border, and had stone in the base, for drainage like a pot I guess.

13 Jan, 2009


Thanks Pottygardener. I hadnt thought about placing in a border, good idea. I have a few chimney pots as my Dad used to work for a company that made them. Mine our Bishops (top like a king's crown).

13 Jan, 2009


Ah, sounds like what I had Dawn, the top was like that, it was there when I moved in. Didn't know they had names! Thanks, I've learnt something too! Post some photo's when they are planted!

13 Jan, 2009


We have an old chimnety pot but cheated and found an ordinary pot that fitted perfectly in the rim without falling out..lots of trailing ivy round the edges to hide them,and a couple of upright and trailing fuchsias to fill !

13 Jan, 2009


LOL BB, that's another way to do it, and why not! Sounds like a big pot!

13 Jan, 2009


Got it at the local tip a couple of years ago for £3 ! One of the best bargains ever !

13 Jan, 2009


I have just uploaded a couple of photos of my chimney pot which was in our garden when we moved here-far too heavy to move! I almost filled it with rubble and stones from the rest of the garden then garden soil and finally compost which I add to yearly when replacing plants.I have tried inserting plants into the vents but they don't seem to like having to come down then up again for the light,so I have put a strong plastic sheet around the edges to stop soil falling out.

13 Jan, 2009


Your local auction house / auction rooms will probably have them from time to time. When they do house clearances etc. they accept chimney pots for their auctions because they know they will sell well.

13 Jan, 2009


Hello Aster: I'll take a look, thanks. They are not easy to plant up are they.
Oh BB, what a bargain. You know, what, we did that, put a plastic plant pot inside the top and set it up. Then, our cat was showing interest in the pot, we lifted the pot out and there in the bottom a great tit had nested at the bottom, we quickly re-inserted the plant pot, but the funny thing was, the mother was using the vents for entry/exit, amazing and so well protected.

13 Jan, 2009


We used the ones from our chimney stack when they were replaced with new ones. They exploded the first time we had frost. So, take care and treat them like any other terracotta pot and keep them frost free or empty of soil in winter.

13 Jan, 2009


Wow Dawn..thats just amazing...what a resourceful bird !
Owdboggy...bad luck..ours out two years in all weather.

13 Jan, 2009


Yes, it was lovely BB, isnt it amazing how they will find nesting sites. Our pots are pretty hardy to be fair, made by the manufacturer Red Bank and are (red) terracotta - probably yours had a hard life up there Owdboggy :-(

13 Jan, 2009


I have several chimnies, too. I keep plastic pots that just fit in the rim and plant them up each season. I have two per chimney so that bulbs etc can be left to die back in a corner while the new pot is inserted. I've had mine for years!
The tall one and one of the others cost me 50p at a garage sale... the others came from reclamation yards and cost a LOT more! Good bargain, wasn't it!

13 Jan, 2009

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