By Goringfolly
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Identify this tree. It grow to about 20-25 feet. The stem turns blackish as it thickens.The leaves are dark green turning purple. It initially looks like a copper beech. Pinkish white flowers in the spring followed by a soft fruit similar to a large cherry or small plum.

5 Jul, 2011
Just a mo, I shall take a look at the name, I have this tree, it is a Prunus! The fruits are edible and very plums..
It is called Prunus 'Hessei' I have uploaded a picture of it..:)))
5 Jul, 2011
Well I think its a purple leafed plum Nigra - PRUNUS cerasifera 'Nigra' I have one and it looks like this, I have posted several several photos of it if you care to look?
5 Jul, 2011
But, then it could be 'Nigra', as they both look so similar, I have looked at yours Drc726, and I also noticed we have talked about it before too. :)))
5 Jul, 2011
5 Jul, 2011
Thank you all kindly for your information. Following your leads I feel I have narrowed it down to Prunus Cerasifera var Pissardii. This fits all the criteria.
5 Jul, 2011
Enjoy it I find they are a lovely addition to a garden.
5 Jul, 2011
Great Goringfolly, glad you found the right name! :))))
5 Jul, 2011
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Looks like a cherry tree
5 Jul, 2011