By Funguy
United Kingdom
Plant I.D.... Please - I love it, it is beautiful and i don't know the name.
I can provide more photo's if needed.

4 Jul, 2011
I hope that helps. If not i will take a close up of a single flower when my camera charges back up.
4 Jul, 2011
it looks like purple loostrife, but a very bushy form, do you pinch it out. Linaria purpurea.
4 Jul, 2011
Thankyou. No i haven't touched it. I found the plant as a small lone seedling last summer in some weeds, i liked its foliage and the way its stems spread on the ground, so i took it. I didn't expect such lovely flowers and haven't seen the plant in the garden i found it, lucky find!
4 Jul, 2011
Previous question
« I can't find this in my "Expert" book. Is it a shrub or tree?
a closer view of the flowers would help my poor old eyes :)
4 Jul, 2011