By Squiral
United Kingdom
ive purchased a rose called 'albertine' the info card said it was a climing rose where as the book i have says its a rambler. now i know ramblers have 7 leaves, but this plant has stems which are approx 4ft each and are covered with 7 leaves on the leaf stems and no rose buds. please help me as i am not sure what to do.
3 Jul, 2011
thanks for letting me know it is a climber, to tell you the truth im more green behind the ears than green fingered, is this rose alright with the 7 leaves or are they what you call a 'sucker' because i bought it earlier in the year and theres just been nothing except its growing like something out of the scifi film 'the day of the triffids'
3 Jul, 2011
Ramblers and many other climbers often have 7 leaflets per leaf, grow like nuts in the summer, and bloom once in late spring from buds formed the previous fall, mostly on canes that have been growing horizontally.
4 Jul, 2011
This rose does climb - but it is a vigorous rambler, and should be pruned as such in September, though you probably won't need to do it this year. It will have a main flush of flowers in June and you may get the odd few later, or none at all, it is not repeat flowering, as befits a rambling type.
4 Jul, 2011
would just like to say thanks for the replies. :o)8
4 Jul, 2011
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'Albertine' is a climbing rose. I've got it on the front of my house! However, it's finished flowering for this year, which may explain why you haven't any buds.
Plant it, water it, tie in the stems as horizontally as you can and sadly, be patient until next June.
3 Jul, 2011