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London, United Kingdom

Help please friends, my Camellias have suddenly started to go like the photo, does anyone or can anyone advise me or tell me what is happening? This has never happened before and it seems that all my camellias are going this way! I lost two new ones recently but the leaves in the photo are on a very old established shrub! Thansk in advance.



It looks like the frost damage my bay tree suffered from Gmage.

3 Jul, 2011


I lost my bay tree from frost damage and the leaves looked just the same. Also it got very waterlogged over the winter.

3 Jul, 2011


If thats all it is then I am happy! Thought I was about to lose them all! Thank you very much. Why though would it only show now? Have never seen this before.

3 Jul, 2011


I dk. If Bamboo sees your question she might give you a more definitive answer.

3 Jul, 2011


It looks to me like sunburn, Grandmage. That would probably only happen in the UK in extreme drought, or if a plant growing in the shade were suddenly exposed to sun. Root damage could do the same, since the leaves would suddenly be short of water.

5 Jul, 2011


I am delighted to say my bay tree is sprouting from below the damaged trunk.

5 Jul, 2011


Thanks you Tug. we have drought conditions this year and I think worse than last year. My plants are against the fence, so protected from the morning sun but of course the sun rises so it may well be that. As they all look like this should I just leave them to recover ?
Scotsg. glad your bay has come back, what a strange season we are having!

5 Jul, 2011


Well, I would give them a deep soaking, maybe make sure that they had a couple of inches of mulch, to keep the roots cool and moist, and wait for new growth.

6 Jul, 2011


I did mulch them with a bag of ericacious compost Tug. just a few weeks ago! I will now give them a good soaking, thank you very much.

6 Jul, 2011

How do I say thanks?

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