By Bobfrae
United Kingdom
Hi, I have an established rose garden at the front of my house. However, as I’m getting older it’s a chore to keep the weeds down. What is a current available post-emergence weed killer? I thought it would be easy, simply find the trade names for atrazine or simazine. However, both are unavailable now.
29 Jun, 2011
That's just what I was going to say, Beattie--great minds think alike. Anyway, it would be difficult to weed kill just the bits in between the roses, without harming them too.
Forget-me-nots are lovely under roses too, and you can get pink, white AND blue now, so just scatter the seed around, and they'll crowd out the weeds, hopefully. Annie (Cumbria)
29 Jun, 2011
How about underplanting with something trouble free, such as hardy geraniums that would compete with the weeds?
29 Jun, 2011