By Patricia23q
United Kingdom
Should I move?? I have just come in from my garden and am quite despairing of the dreadful oxalis leaf which seems to be coming up everywhere. I understand that when you lift it the corms break off and you then have another plant. I have tried lifting them and clearing the soil, but think I might be making the situation worse. Any suggestions? Another problem at the moment is my damson tree, the leaves of which are covered in pale green blisters.
28 Jun, 2011
Thank you, you have given me some hope. If the damson tree doesn't need attention I shall spend my time on the Oxalis!
1 Jul, 2011
The green blisters are caused by a gall mite which infests the leaves - no matter how bad it might look, they have no harmful effect on the tree, so don't worry about them. As for the Oxalis, digging it out has to be done carefully and with rigorous attention to detail - you need to dig down deeper than think (6 inches or more) preferably in one movement, heave the clump of soil out of the ground, then sift through carefully, removing all trace of the underground roots, corms and bulbils. Not sure its a reason to move, though japanese knotweed would be...
1 Jul, 2011