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Derbyshire, England

Hi guys,

I planted this weeping cherry a couple of years ago and it looks healthy but has not grown in height much and seems "top heavy" which worries me that it could eventually snap the main trunk with the weight, it is staked thank goodness and seems to support it, if pruning is the answer could some one advice me the best way to go about it, thanks in advance.



One of the things about these weeping cherries is that they don't go up very much, they get thicker 'curtains' of drooping branches. It looks very healthy to me! Give it a couple of years to really get going. p.s. the other plants in the bed look good too! And what a lovely view beyond!

21 Jun, 2011


p.p.s Just watch out for any suckers growing from the base of the tree. These won't be the weeping variety and will grow vertically and take over the tree. So if any sprout, break them off as soon as possible.

21 Jun, 2011


I can see what you mean and why you're concerned - all the growth is on one side. Is it exposed to a prevailing wind on one side? If it is, it'll always do this, but if it isn't, I'd wait till it flowers next year and then give it a prune back to try to encourage new shoots on the other side.

21 Jun, 2011


Thanks for the reply's, Bamboo, in the short time I have had it it has always been this shape, it's very open around here and the winds are a factor at times but they would affect the whole tree (all sides), if I did prune it back ( which I will probably end up doing ) how far back would you suggest? I did google for advice but got differing opinions whether creepers should or should not be pruned, thanks again.

21 Jun, 2011


You surely don't mean creepers, you must mean cherry - my book says deciduous ornamental cherries can be 'trimmed' in midsummer, which I take to be July, really, so I'd do it then, and not just a trim either, but bear in mind it might affect the flower display next spring. I'd do it anyway though... As for how far back, I'm afraid I'm very gung ho about these things - I'd take the long lengths to the right back to about a foot or so from the part where it starts arcing over in that direction. My reasoning is there's no point in only taking a few inches off the ends, it'll have no impact at all, and it'll either respond or it won't, and it ain't the end of the world if it doesn't... but its up to you.

21 Jun, 2011


Are the horizontal branches, that can be seen, part of this cherry ? ?

21 Jun, 2011


I hope they are, my answer's based around that assumption, Louise - they look the same as the new leaves trailing downwards. Just not growing into a very nice shape, is it.

21 Jun, 2011


Sorry, I meant cherry Bamboo, I will wait a month and give it a prune as you suggest and hope for the best even if it means it not flowering next year, anyway thanks again Bamboo.

Yes, all the horizontal branches are part of the cherry Louise.

21 Jun, 2011


No, you don't need to wait a month - 1st of July is Friday after next, so just a couple of weeks - don't do it past mid July.

21 Jun, 2011

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