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Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

IDS page 2 :)

please some more :)



1 is a primula of some description

2 is one of the tradescantia group, usually a houseplant setcretia [phonetic spelling as cant remember exactly.

3 Lychnis coronaria [ local name here is dusty miller]

17 Jun, 2011


No 1 - sorry SBG, not a primula, it's a Verbena, could be "Tapien"
Agree with 2 & 3

17 Jun, 2011


Sorry Beattie #1 is a primula (look at the leaves) no idea which one though... poor photos

17 Jun, 2011


Looking at the leaves is why I thought it was a Verbena, Moongrower. Compare the leaf shape above with the ones in this pic -

The ones above are yellower, but the shape is essentially the same. And the same as the ones in my front garden, if they've survived the winter and the drought, and the landrover repairs carried out on top of them. I'll have a look with a camera tomorrow. ;-)

17 Jun, 2011


1. is Verbena, ok, though I can see why you would say Primula.

17 Jun, 2011



17 Jun, 2011


#2's full name: Tradescantia pallida 'Purpurea'

17 Jun, 2011


At last! A name for the purple Tradescantia that I had several cuttings of from my daughter in the south! At one point she rented a flat from a friend and this plant was on the balcony. We knew it was a Tradescantia, but didn't know it's full name - now we do! :o)))))

18 Jun, 2011

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