Why do my berries drop?
By Bloomingood
United Kingdom
I have a variegated Holly ilex Golden King about 10 years old. It produces berries each year, but they fall off while still green. Any ideas?.
4 Dec, 2008
Possibly they are infertile. just berries with no seed , as Holly trees are either male or female, you must have a male tree nearbye for the seeds to be formed, otherwise it mighyt be the tree is suffering from lack of food or water and has to dispense with the seeds to save its strength.
4 Dec, 2008
Possible Poa. And while you are on this thread, have you any idea why it is Golden King when it is the female? Is it just male chauvinism? Just often wondered.
4 Dec, 2008
Well, I believe Silver Queen is male!
4 Dec, 2008
Sure is Celandine. Thus my question on behalf of Women's lib.
4 Dec, 2008
Of course you both right and berries may be dropping due to lack of fertilisation cant have one without the other.
7 Dec, 2008
Can't find a disease that would cause it Bloomingood. The only thing I can think of is birds.
4 Dec, 2008