By Taranewley
United Kingdom
Hello, I have a really big jade plant which has started to drop its leaves, and has white furry fungus on some of its branches. I treated it with Provado ultimate bug killer as I assumed the white fungus to be mealy bugs, but now I notice soe of the leaves have also got a dark brown mottling on them. Please help as I have had this plant ten years and do not want to loose it!
16 Jun, 2011
Sounds like a fungal infection - check the base of the plant, all stems, to make sure none are showing signs of rot where the plant meets the compost particularly. Usually caused by overwatering in winter. If the base is fine, water with a systemic fungicide diluted according to instructions on the bottle and increase air flow around the plant. Only other thing that occurs to me is, is there anything inside the white fungus, like a shield shaped object?
16 Jun, 2011