The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By Hopey

Lincolnshire, United Kingdom Gb

HI can anyone please suggest a plant that is evergreen, fast gowing, and will fill in the gaps in my neighbours Laurel hedge? A rampant climber would be ideal.Thanks in advance.



Ivy? Should strangle the laurel nicely, in time.... :-)

7 Jun, 2011


A small Russian Vine will cover the whole hedge in a year or so.

7 Jun, 2011


Russian Vine's not evergreen Doctorbob

7 Jun, 2011


Escallonia is fairly quick growing, evergreen and a tough reliable plant normally. You can have them with white or with red flowers that come in mid-summer.

7 Jun, 2011


No Beattie, but in this part of the country in our woods the russian vine never completely loses it's leaves and the branches are so thick and entwined together there is no way you can see through it.

7 Jun, 2011

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