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Whats happened here???


By Bren


planted seeds from lathyrus vernus and this it what I have got!!!!! Anyone got any ideas??? It ia a complete puzzle to me.Original plant has long narroe leaves



That looks like Melianthus major!

19 Nov, 2008


No idea Bren. But it ain't Lathyrus. I sympathise. I wanted to grow a Gunnera manicata from seed, which is difficult. Imagine my delight when shoots came through. They turned into radishes very quickly. I planted Kniphofia. Goodness knows what they are going to be. This is getting more and more common. And unfortunately you can't do much about it by the time they germinate. Except never buy from that supplier again.


19 Nov, 2008


Even more annoying when it is ones own collected seeds which come up wrong!

19 Nov, 2008


Whoops Boggy. That bit didn't click. DUH!! Are you sure you planted the right ones Bren. If you did then it is a miracle. LOL. Patent the process.

19 Nov, 2008


Plants often revert back from the hybrid.
Sowing seed is not the best means of propagation.
Cuttings or division are the best way of getting a true younger plant.

19 Nov, 2008


Lathyrus vernus is not a hybrid so seeds should come true from it. If you want some seeds from L.v. different forms then PM me. Bren. I think I saved some.

19 Nov, 2008


I don't have an answer, but I love the color and leaves :)

19 Nov, 2008


This looks very much like what I call a weed which I have in my garden which I call Silver leaf, actually as we all know a weed is only a plant in the wrong place, and this particular plant which I call silver leaf is an old herb often in old gardens. My granmother used to soak them and bath her eczema with the tea from it. I cannot find it in my book under silver leaf and it is too thick a book to plough through although it is probably there some where. You might find it in a book of herbal remedies. I have just picked a plant in the garden and photographed it for you I will post it on the gardeners photos but it is obviously a bad colour as the frost has touched it and it looks yellow but in the summer it has larger leaves than this and is a silver colour exactly like yours but look at the leaf formation. and count the leaflets.
Still I have no name!!!

19 Nov, 2008


Silver leaf to me is Potentilla anserinifolia

19 Nov, 2008


I am with you plantgeek it is a Melianthus Major have cuttings now in the porch, they are expensive plants to buy but a real show stopper, but tender, also fairly large!!

19 Nov, 2008


I have looked up Melianthus Major, sounds lovely but obviously this is a shrub whereas the plant in my garden is a small soft plant. It also comes up as a weed in pasture land. The leaves are so alike and the colour. I wonder is it the same family? It should be easy enough to tell Bren if this is Melianthus Major as it says they have hollow stems if so I would guard it dearly!

20 Nov, 2008


To plantgeek,
Thinking about it, you are probably correct,I did try some Melianthus seeds earlier in the year,but none germinated,
So i,m sorry about my L athyrus, but I,ll be glad if it is Melianthus.
thanks to all of you

20 Nov, 2008

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