How to store apples
By Welshjayne
United Kingdom
We have recently moved house and the apple tree had not been pruned for two seasons. It produced a huge crop of large, firm cooking apples that I picked on 1st October. I stored them in proper apple boxes from the fruit and veg shop and put them in the garage. I made sure that none were touching each other but the apples have not stored well. They have gone yellow and are softening and as a result, I have had to use or freeze them. Any tips for next year or suggestions as to where I went wrong. The garage has a window so is quite light - was this the problem ??

19 Nov, 2008
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Also some varieties of apples do not store. Also you need to pick storing apples before they are fully ripe.
19 Nov, 2008
Only try to store unblemished fruit as any mark will start to rot and then you've got one bad apple etc. I find freezing as much as possible after lightly stewing them is good. Put small portions in freezer-roof basins and knock them out once frozen so you don't lse all your basins to the freezer. Also, harden your heart, we all have to throw some produce on the compost heap. Try putting some out for sale to neighbours.
19 Nov, 2008
Thanks for the replies. Yes - I thought the garage was not suitable so it will be the roof space next year. I have put quite a few of the casualties out for the birds and the compost. Great tips for the freezer !
19 Nov, 2008
We also freeze apples after baking them. Core and fill with raisins and a little syrup. Bake, cool and freeze. Microwave to heat up/
19 Nov, 2008
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The garage is too warm. If you had an inspection pit for the cars below ground level, that may be suitable, other than that you may be able to convert the roof space.
Apples keep best at a temperature of 40F (in the dark). As they ripen they heat up, so if you put the early varieties at the bottom of your store the others will ripen earlier.
19 Nov, 2008