The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Do people swap plants on this sight?


By Snail


Not sure if I am writing this in the right place. I'm looking for a good way to swap suculents and "air plants" (tillandsia) within europe. At the moment I'm looking for a cutting of a jade plant (Crassula argentea). I have some agave pups extra.



Hi Snail, i have swapped plants and seeds before on this site, and found it a great way of getting new things, afraid i don't have any of what you are looking for though, but if you like succulents i do have some lovely Echeveria babies up for grabs, i have pictures on my garden page, it is the blue one with orange and yellow flowers that i have available. what type of Agave is it that you have? it really is just a case of sorting out a swap and then private messaging addresses. if you get no joy on a question, you could always try a blog instead, we did used to have a seed swap page, but i think it must have been taken off, but i don't think this means we can't still do it. if in any doubt ask Peter or Ajay.

11 Nov, 2008


Angie and Snail, the seed-swap page is still there - just click on the 'Garden Plants' link at the bottom of the page, and Hey Presto! There it is!

11 Nov, 2008


What about a plant swap page, seems a good idea ?

11 Nov, 2008


If PETER and AJAY are reading this - take note please guys! That plantswap page is still there Bluespruce, but it's hidden - follow Spritz's directions.....

11 Nov, 2008


Sid - All I see is seed exchange, and if plant exchange is mixed in with the seed exchange page then it needs to be separated out, otherwise it's just too confusing.

11 Nov, 2008


Hello again all, yes i do agree, plant swap would be a brill idea, but would be better off seperate to seed exchange.

12 Nov, 2008


I popped a message off to Peter and Ajay asking if the plant swap page could be put somewhere more prominant, but they said it's not used enough (maybe coz people don't know where it is, hmmmm???) Could those who would like to see the page back to the fore please message Peter and Ajay to let them know?

Bluespruce - I have exchanged both seed and plants with other members. Only thing is of course, the postage costs can be a couple of pounds with plants of course. Separating plants from seeds sounds sensible.

12 Nov, 2008


Me again, i just sent Ajay a message confirming that i like this idea, i have also made a few saggestions how to impove the current seed swap - hope he does'nt mind! (grin) - first off i had a real job to find it, secondly it just is'nt easy to use in its current format, i have swapped lots of seeds/plants with other member via private message as Sid, Jac, hardyG, Spritz,amonge others already know. seed/plant swap needs pictures, and aphibetical order i think to make it easy to find what you want and then message the person that it offering. most of my swaps have been done, just by browsing pictures and asking that member if they want to swap. i think it would be hugely popular if improvements made. i would defo be a regular on it as i always have lots of things to swap, from surplus stock from my ebay shop, as i am sure others of you would too. PLEASE, PLEASE, anyone in agreement meassage Ajay and Peter.

13 Nov, 2008


Thanks great Angie, lets hope P & A bring back the plant swap, at least to a more obvious place on the site. I check hte page often, tho of course you dont always want what's being offered, but I still look just in case. That's 'using' it isnt it. I agree very much that pictures would be a great help - and also a link would be good - so if you're just looking the pictures page you will see a link to say that that plant is available for a swap.

13 Nov, 2008


yes good idea Sid, another idea i had today was a tab on each members homepage that when clicked on gave detail of everything they have up for swap, this way if someone contacted you for a swap you could easierly see what they have to offer in return, to save all the do you have..or finding something you want in there garden, but they don't have seeds or cuttings availble. I am quite happy to take cuttings for swaps, as you know Sarah, and your Caryopteris seedlings are doing very well by the way, but it does take a while, i think it would make things far simpler to just be able to click on a button to see what is on offer, or be able to tap a name in a search and get what you want. the only draw back with swapping postage costs, but if you are sending a plant for a plant, it will work out roughly fair anyway. i would say that a vast majority of us do buy mail order plants anyway, you end up paying over the odds for what you want cause you can't find it in local supliers and you also pay postage (usually over priced i might add) there are so many people joining GOY, that we should pretty much have a comprehensive swapping base. no different from buying mail order or ebay plants, except your only paying postage for what you are sending, far,far cheaper than buying from ebay or mail order companies. i'm all for it.

13 Nov, 2008


love it!

13 Nov, 2008


Angie - fantastic idea - that tab idea would really help things. Like you (as you know) I'm more than happy to do a swap of plants if people let me know they're interested in something and they preferably have something of equal value (at least in postage costs). Maybe a 'tick box' to tick to say that a plant is ok for a swap on the 'my garden' page? Agree that it works out cheaper than mail order - much cheaper! Have you sent your ideas to A & P?

14 Nov, 2008


I certainly have, and Ajay said they will consider the ideas i have put forward, said i have given plenty to think about, so anyone else with ideas for improvement to this part of the site, send them to Ajay, or Peter they are going to have a chat about it soon. as i pointed out to Ajay, i don't think that members do not want this section, it is pure and simple that it is not easy to use in it's current format, and not easy to find. i think the more members that come forward with ideas, the more likely the changes will be made, they are really good guys and usually do try to give us what we want, if enough of us want it. so get thoughs ideas across to them, or just send a quick note to let them know you like the ideas i have sagested.

16 Nov, 2008


Apologies to poor old Snail who will have received all these messages!

16 Nov, 2008


yes sorry Snail, getting a bit carried away, hopefull though in answer to your original question, yes we do all swap plants and are hoping to make this process a lot easier. but for the time being why not post a blog about what plants you have to swap, i am sure you will get some offers. kind regards Angie

16 Nov, 2008


I'm thrilled with all the response. I did find the swap page after a good search but it does seem a bit low on activity and hard to use.

There are lots of great US based swap pages but that doesnt help those living in europe too much cos of import laws. I searched and searched the web for a EU based sight but came up with little. Within the EU there are open boarders so no expensive, complicated paperwork needed (exept in a few cases like some endangered plants).

I like the lay out on Daves Garden for plant swapping. It has a colum for plants to swap and plants wanted and you can search buy plant name too which is a good idea as it saves trawling through loads of adds if you know what you want. Anyway I hope it might get started again on this sight!

21 Nov, 2008


Glad to be of some help Snail, we are all trying to get it improved on here, The guys to chat to are Peter and Ajay, if you look them up and send a private message or click on the feedback tab let them know that you like the ideas we have all saggested, and also if you have any more of your own that might help improve the current system. they are really nice guys and if enough of us want it they usually do it for us if possible ofcourse lol. hope you managed to track down what you are looking for, another place you could try is Ebay, athough you have to pay on thier lol

21 Nov, 2008

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