busy lizzies
By Scrancher1
United Kingdom
can I put my two busy lizzies in the summer house for winter for next year? away from the frost
4 Nov, 2008
I would give it a try and have been thinking of it myself as I have some good size new see plants - but I would put them in a non heated green house and cut them back eventually in the spring. Careful with the water.
5 Nov, 2008
On this site they say you can grow them as a housplant and keep them flowering indoors over the winter IF air hummidity (misting) is kept up ....
5 Nov, 2008
hello, I took 3 busy lizzies from out of my garden just before the frosts came,these will live on my kitchen window ledge quite happily over winter,only water them very sparingly and do not feed them, they can get a little leggy and a bit sorry looking but they will survive ok, next spring take some 2 inch cuttings and root them on in a jar of water,pot up when ready, the parent plants can still be used when the weather improves and will recover very quickly, hope it helps.
5 Nov, 2008
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They are normally treated as annuals, but there's no reason why you shouldn't enjoy them for a bit longer while they are still in flower!
4 Nov, 2008