Pretty plant
By Bernard
United Kingdom
This palnt has appeared and is probably growing from a root from the previous garden. It presents itself as about ten small apparently individual plants and I have my suspicions that it may be a spreader. I'd like to keep it as gound cover as it makes a lovely contrast with other plants and if it is not too difficult to control. Your thoughts will be welcome and a name would be lovely.

3 Nov, 2008
You'll always be able to eat it! Revenge of the spoon -
Ground Elder Soup
3 Nov, 2008
I've got it and I love it. Not for people who like a tidy garden. It needs rooting out (literally) on a regular basis. You probably won't be able to get rid of it completely, but it is pretty and is excellent ground cover.
I'm definitely going to try the soup, Isabella.
3 Nov, 2008
Let us know how it tastes - thought it to be novel to eat your weeds and grubs (in form of eggs) ... Bon Appetit Readejahn
3 Nov, 2008
That is the variegated form of Ground elder. Ground cover it certainly is, miles and miles and miles of ground covered. Mr.Titchmarsh said that planting the variegated form was the worst mistake he had ever made in gardening.
3 Nov, 2008