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Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

hi re: clematis triternata rubromarginata.
was concerned with its growing form over the last few weeks and decided to cut it right down in which i discovered after scooping away the plumslate chippings that their was this white gooey puss type foul smelling substance at the base of the woody stem. another new stem was growing from the ground which was pulled out with ease. oh dear!! anybody know whats happened?



its one of the bacterial infections [often called flux]but as to which one I have no idea. I suspect you will have lost it. cut right back and burn infected material or pop in the bin. dont compost it yourself.
if you are really ucky it may regrow from below ground.

16 Apr, 2011


thanks for the info seaburngirl.....might just leave it for a month or so and see what happens.

16 Apr, 2011

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