Hibiscus (oiseu bleu) grown in a pot?
By Veryberry
West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Can you grow this hibiscus in a pot? I have one in the ground but need to move it, preferably into a pot for my patio.
On plant
Hibiscus Syriacus

11 Oct, 2008
Hibiscus thrive best in full sun; indeed, they can withstand high temperatures and periods of drought. They are not fussy about soil but do best in a free-draining neutral loam. They are long lived and trouble-free. Prune in spring, shortening last year's shoots and cutting a proportion of older wood back hard. This pruning will encourage more impressive flowering.
In theory just about any plant can be grown in a pot - assuming the pot is big enough. In the case of an hibiscus I think something pretty large with plenty of drainage material in the bottom would be called for. It does not like to get too wet which I think is Sal's problem and V.B.'s potential problem
'Oiseau Bleu' (Blue Bird) has 8cm (3in) violet-blue flowers, with darker centres - particularly useful because there are so few blue-flowered late-summer shrubs.
12 Oct, 2008
Mine is in the ground in a dry-ish area. It has been in for three years now and is still only about 2'6" tall - but it does flower well! I wish it would grow taller a bit faster...
12 Oct, 2008
Hi there, did you move to a pot and if so is it ok? I have 2 young ones one in ground one in pot but wonder if they will flower this year.. Does anyone know when mine are likely to flower? If they don't is it an age/ size issue?
15 Apr, 2009
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I have been trying to grow this in the ground for 3 years... 1st year in a pot .. no success,,,,,, 2nd year in the ground. bit waterlogged...no success... 3rd year .. good fertile soil... no flowers again.. lots of leaves.. but nw pretty bare...no idea what this thing likes!!!
11 Oct, 2008