Strange jelly like blob
By Ruthn1963
United Kingdom
Not exactly a gardening question but this did appear in my garden during the summer. It is a strange gooy substance that seems to be added to every few weeks. I have no pond, thought it might be some kind of aquatic species laying eggs of some sort, no one seems to be able to identify it. I have attached a photo

10 Oct, 2008
Welcome to goy Ruth,
eww ..could someone next door be throwing it over from their pond ?
10 Oct, 2008
Hi Ruth ,Welcome to goy, what a strange thing to happen,
I agree with Lori, it looks like someone had dropped or
thrown over.sorry can.t help.
10 Oct, 2008
Yuk - looks like algae to me - is this a particularly damp spot, eg is there a pipe dripping constantly keeping it wet?
10 Oct, 2008
definately looks like algae to me. If it is permanently wet there it will feed on the decomposing matter there. I would dispose of it and keep disinfecting that spot whenever wet. If someone has thrown it over, I would still treat the same
15 Oct, 2008
Hi Ruth, sorry but have no idea what this strange gloop is, I have heaps of it on my front gravelled drive & nobody around here has ever seen anything like it in the UK. Since publishing your question, have you had any serious answers to our plight. Adrian.
24 Oct, 2009
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hi Ruth, sorry i cant help with your question but welcome to GOY
10 Oct, 2008