Tibouchina - where to plant?
By Judy_gill
United States
My wife recently purchased a Tibouchina plant and wants to plant it in a corner of our fence where a Bradford Pear once stood (before Hurricane Ike). This location is located on the northwest corner of our house and doesn't get a full day of sun. Will this location be a problem? What other tips would you suggest to make it grow?
On plant
Tibouchina urvilleana
3 Oct, 2008
Previous question
« Hi there, Another random question! Im just looking at delphihnium & phlox...
Judy, this plant is quite tender, so it depends on your climate and temperatures of course - but it is needs sunshine and warmth and in the UK would probably be grown outside for the summer only and then taken indoors. Not knowing where you are in the USA, I don't know whether it would survive your winter.
4 Oct, 2008