By Bernard
United Kingdom
I'm sorry the last couple of questions have not really been good enough for a positive identification. I'm going to follow Jess's suggestion and be patient until they have flowered. In the meantime, I have some photos of plants that have appeared whose leaf shape is very distinctive and I hope will enable an identification. This one appeared and grew so vigorously I thought it must be a weed, but ragardless of that, if its good to have and won't eat me out of house and home, I'll probably keep it.

30 Sep, 2008
I was wondering if it's Alcea rosea (hollyhock) but I'm not 100% sure. How wide are the biggest leaves?
30 Sep, 2008
Got us all thinking Bernard - I was going with honesty ( lunaria ) but my guess rate not so good recently.
30 Sep, 2008
I agree with Jess I think it is a weed.
1 Oct, 2008
I have these growing in my garden Bernard and yes, definitely a weed with strong roots. Very similar to the Lavatera , but the wild type.
1 Oct, 2008
Janey and Jess are both right. It's a bit of a monster, but the flowers are worth having.
2 Oct, 2008
Previous question
« hi you all, thank u 4 your answers 2 my last question,but now i have 2 more...
Aha! Now thats easier to see lol!
I would guess this one is Malva sylvestris. A weed but a very pretty one.
30 Sep, 2008