The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Essex, United Kingdom Gb

I inherited a yucca tree in our garden which is now over 15 years old and has been growing quite happily. Over the past month or so all the leaves appear to be damaged with no new growth and the base of the trunk seems to be leaking. Is the tree dying or can we do anything to save it

Dsc00255 Dsc00254



First, it's a Cordyline australis, not a yucca. Secondly, its suffered severe damage during the arctic conditions pre Christmas, and that's why it looks so terrible. It's also why its leaking - if its pouring orange gunk, you will have to saw it down beyond that point. If its just oozing a bit, sort of whitish stuff, or no colour at all, and that doesn't get worse, then wait - the plant may yet shoot from up the trunk, or from the base. If you hate the way it looks, just take it right down and leave the roots in place - it may grow from there.

12 Mar, 2011


Thanks bamboo I did always wonder why the leaves were brown instead of green as other yuccas I have seen.

The juice we have noticed is black near the base of the trunk.

we will leave it as is over the summer and see how it develops, will keep you posted.

Once again thanks for your comments.

13 Mar, 2011


Its been a couple of years now since I left this question.

We left the plant alone and indeed it did start to grow again.. We then cut the trunks which did affect the plant however once it has re-settled the plant is now growing as good as ever.

So pleased we left in place as advised and now enjoying the plant again.

1 Jun, 2013


Thanks for getting back, glad it survived.

2 Jun, 2013

How do I say thanks?

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