Unknown houseplant
By Gee19
United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me what this houseplant is? I have had it for about 18 months - took a tiny plantlet from a friend's plant and now it has tiny plantlets itself! Cannot find it in any book and have also searched the internet. Help!

21 Sep, 2008
I grow one very similar and believe it to be Peperomia peltata. I think there are many similar species.
21 Sep, 2008
Thanks for your responses. I will start searching by name now. Should it flower at all?
21 Sep, 2008
not a flower as such, probably a green spike
22 Sep, 2008
I have a plant like this and cannot find its name either. I agree it has quite a likeness to Peperomia peltata, but like yours, mine has more rounded leaves with the stem coming from just off centre.
Did you have any luck with further research, if so I’d be pleased to hear from you.
I simply refer to mine as 'penny plant' for obvious reasons.
26 Sep, 2008
Glad someone else has the same plant. I have had no further luck but will keep looking. Penny plant is a good name. Mine has two new baby plantlets at the base so I will be planting them up soon. Will let you know if I discover anything new.
26 Sep, 2008
It might be a kind of peperomia, or just conceivably, begonia.
21 Sep, 2008