What is this plant?
Isle of Wight,
United Kingdom
I found this plant in a plastic pot outside in my Isle of Wight garden.
It is a houseplant but I have no idea what it is. It has very thin, long leaves which are formed at the bottom of the plant and come from soil level. I think that the plant may flower on the growth made in the flowering year? The leaves have tiny little barbs on the edge. I do have 3 pictures of this plant, but this is the best

5 Feb, 2008
and Andrea, once it has flowered, wait till the flower turns brown then remove the whole stem, you will find that the rosette which has projuced the flower will die - this is normal, but before it does lots of babies will appear around the base, you need to remove them and pot them up. don't mean to be cheaky but if you get plently would you mind sending me one, i'll pay for post and pack ofcourse. it's just that i gave mine away when i had Brooke, as at the time we were in a small flat and the prickly edges of the leaves can cause a rash if handled, i did'nt have anywhere to put it that was completely out of her reach - so watch that with your little one. anyway now i have a cold greenhouse i am sure i can find room for one! if you don't mind! (cheaky grin lol)
5 Feb, 2008
Sure, I'll pop one in the post, leave me your address on a private message or on my email which you have and I'll get it off to you
5 Feb, 2008
I agree - I think it's bilbergia nutans as well. And it's hardy down to -7C (mine has stayed out all winter and is fine). This year I'm going to take a couple of rosettes off, wrap the roots in moss and wire them on to an apple tree and see if they survive
5 Feb, 2008
hi Andrea, fairly certain that it is Billbergia nutans, - common name 'Queen's Tears' which is a type of Bromeliad. the leaves are sharpe and spikey with little teeth, if i am right. it also looks as if this one is getting ready to flower, if so you are in for a treat! they dont flower that often but when they do they are well worth the wait -really funky flowers, and last for ages. pink lime green and dark blue/purple - hard to discribe but if you tap in the name on google i'm sure you will be able to find some pic's - it's really easy to grow, treat like all other Bromeliads - likes water in the cup in the centre and this type can take a fair amount of cold too! i look forward to seeing the pic's of it in flower, i had some a few years ago, really lovely plants.
5 Feb, 2008